Confederate Themed License Plates Are Protected By The First Amendment

By |2018-07-29T14:59:17-04:00March 19th, 2015|Heritage Issues|

A Legal Primer prepared by Jerry Patterson This most important case, to be argued before the Supreme Court of the United States on Monday March 23, 2015, arises from the submission of a application for a specialty license plate by the Texas Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Inc. (SCV), a non-profit corporation, to the Texas [...]

It’s About More, Than A Holiday

By |2018-07-29T14:59:17-04:00January 31st, 2015|Heritage Issues|

While we here in South Carolina are able to rest a little more thanks to the work that was completed back in 2000 with laws that protect our heritage, our kinsman from Virginia have a different scenario on the fate of our Confederate history when it comes to monuments, statues, Street names. And, they need [...]

Charlottesville, VA To Consider DROPPING LEE-JACKSON City Holiday

By |2018-07-29T14:59:17-04:00January 31st, 2015|Heritage Issues|

A situation has come up very quickly in Charlottesville, Virginia and it requires the quick action of every SCV member who can e-mail or make a phone call to the City Councillors. On this coming Monday evening at its 7 p.m. meeting, the Charlottesville City Council will have a public hearing to consider ending the traditional [...]

Rally To Be Held To Protest Flag Removal At Lee Chapel

By |2018-07-29T14:59:17-04:00July 13th, 2014|Heritage Issues|

Compatriots, The situation involving the Flags at Lee Chapel in Lexington, Virginia goes far beyond the Virginia Division. I have been in contact with Commander Tracy Clary, Virginia Division and Commander Brandon Dorsey, Stonewall Brigade on this matter.  I ask all compatriots from all Divisions to attend this rally (details below) if possible. If you [...]

Call To Action For Hollywood Cemetery

By |2018-07-29T14:59:22-04:00February 28th, 2014|Heritage Issues|

Compatriots, South Carolina Division Sons of Confederate Veterans   And Friends  I received the following email from Kelly Hinson of North Carolina, Secretary of the Southern Soldiers Remembrance Foundation (SSRF).  As you will see, the organization is looking for ancestors of SC Soldiers who lie at rest in Hollywood cemetery.  If you are able to [...]

Standing Fast on Confederate Heritage and Winning The Day

By |2018-07-29T14:59:22-04:00February 20th, 2014|Heritage Issues|

The South Carolina Division-Sons of Confederate Veterans side of the NCAA boycott inline with the NAACP of gaming events being held in this state has never been about money. It has always been about holding the line for what is right and just as a free people of a sovereign state. Only those two organizations [...]

South Carolina Archeologists Race to Uncover War Between The States Prison

By |2018-07-29T14:59:22-04:00February 17th, 2014|Heritage Issues|

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Racing against time, South Carolina archeologists are digging to uncover the remnants of a Civil War-era prisoner-of-war camp before the site in downtown Columbia is cleared to make room for a mixed-use development. The researchers have been given four months to excavate a small portion of the 165-acre grounds of the [...]

Tragedy of 160 year-old Documents Intentionally Destroyed in Franklin County, N.C.

By |2018-07-29T14:59:24-04:00January 9th, 2014|Heritage Issues|

This is one of a countless number of 19th century records seized by the North Carolina Archives and burned on December 6, 2013 This is a reblog of an article that is disturbing for any part of history, but which touches the time area of our honored Confederate ancestors. Although it does not [...]

U.S. Army seeks removal of Lee, ‘Stonewall’ Jackson honors. Should It Be Allowed?

By |2018-07-29T14:59:25-04:00December 23rd, 2013|Heritage Issues|

Should our heroes be stripped out of memory? The U.S. Army War College, which molds future field generals, has begun discussing whether it should remove its portraits of Confederate generals — including those of Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson. Nestled in rural Pennsylvania on the 500-acre Carlisle Barracks, the war college is conducting an inventory of all [...]

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