
The situation involving the Flags at Lee Chapel in Lexington, Virginia goes far beyond the Virginia Division. I have been in contact with Commander Tracy Clary, Virginia Division and Commander Brandon Dorsey, Stonewall Brigade on this matter. 

I ask all compatriots from all Divisions to attend this rally (details below) if possible. If you can not attend, at the very least, please contact the officials at Washington and Lee and express your concerns. 

 B. Frank Earnest,

Commander Army of Northern Virginia and Southern Patriot


Lee Chapel Museum

Desecration of Robert E. Lee’s Grave and Memorial Rally and Forum in Lexington, VirginiaSaturday July 26th.

Recently Washington & Lee University President Ken Ruscio announced the university would remove the eight regimental Confederate Battle flags surrounding the famed recumbent statue of Robert E. Lee in Lee Chapel. The statue chamber and the Lee family crypt were built onto Lee Chapel as the site chosen for the Robert E. Lee Memorial using private donations raised for the purpose. As such the university accepted the responsibility to ensure that Lee’s burial place would be given the proper respect it deserves and it did so for well over one hundred years.

Sadly, the once proud Southern school has become infiltrated more and more with radical ideology and the academics running the school no longer share the same values as Robert E. Lee. Instead many overtly and openly proclaim disdain for him. When Lee’s character was recently attacked, the school offered no response and instead has caved to the demands of a small group of student’s who want Lee and everything he stood for repudiated.

For now they have won their fight to remove these flags, but they or others like them will continue their crusade with revolutionary fever to destroy Lee’s image in its entirety. The current president, the successor to Robert E. Lee, has now become the nations most notorious grave robber. These radical students undoubtedly dream of the day that sledge hammers will be taken to Lee’s recumbent statue just as the mob in Iraq recently did to the grave of the famed Prophet Jonah.

How should decent people react to the cowardly violation of the memorial for an American Icon?   Are we so ignorant to believe that people cannot understand why Confederate flags would be at a deceased general’s or veteran’s grave? Why has this happened and what can be done about it? The Stonewall Brigade Camp 1296 is putting together an event where these issues will be addressed.

This event will be held on July 26 at an open community meeting to be held at the Holiday Inn Express on N. Lee Highway at 4pm that day featuring Dr. Marshall DeRosa, Professor of Political Science at Florida Atlantic University. He will present “The Heroical Robert E. Lee: Under Attack by the Useful Idiots of the Ruling Class.”  Following Dr. DeRosa’s presentation attendees will be invited to express their concerns and to offer ideas and solutions to the matter.

In addition we will hold a Flag Vigil against this cowardly act in downtown Lexington throughout the day and are working to secure a sight near Lee Chapel to hold a rally beginning at Noon. We encourage anyone concerned about this issue to attend and bring your flags and signs in hand to protest what we consider no less than grave robbery as defined under law by the current president of Washington & Lee.

We ask that everyone remember that although we have the right to be angry at this situation, everyone should conduct themselves in a manner that would not further embarrass the memory of Robert E. Lee. We do not need to stoop down to the level of those who started this travesty. The city sidewalks will be accessible to us, but expect W&L security to remove or arrest anyone entering the campus with a sign or flag.

What else can you do? Write, call, and email the university using the contact information listed below. Secondly, if you know any W&L alumni or donors let us know who they are so that we can encourage them to contact the school and consider withholding further support. Thirdly, attend the flag rally and forum if you can. Fourthly, consider contributing to the various heritage defense funds for this purpose.

Contact Information:

President:  Dr. Kenneth Ruscio, Washington and Lee University, 204 West Washington Street Lexington,Virginia 24450. (540) 458-8700

 Provost: Dr. Daniel Wubah Washington and Lee University, Washington Hall 214 Lexington,Virginia 24450. (540) 458-8418


Secretary of the University: James D. Farrar, Jr. Washington & Lee University, 203 Washington Hall Lexington,VA 24450. (540) 458-8465

Executive Assistant to the Board of Trustees: Katherine Brinkley Washington & Lee University,   202 Washington Hall Lexington,VA 24450. (540) 458-8417


Earlier this week, Compatriot James Lamb, Adjutant of Palmetto Camp #22 sent the University this letter. Below is the letter that was sent and the response that he received. It will give you an idea of the response that you may expect to receive after you have sent your letters and calls.


From: James W. lamb
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 10:39 AM
To: President Ruscio
Cc: Wubah, Daniel; Farrar, James; Brinkley, Katherine
Subject: General Robert E. Lee
Importance: High

President Ruscio, Provost Wubah, Secretary Farrar, & Mrs. Brinkley,

I am writing with regard to the recent Washington Post article ( that announced your decisions to remove the battle flags displayed in the chapel at your university.  Might I say the times I had the opportunity to visit Lexington and General Lee’s tomb, I have been impressed with how he has been honored.  Now I understand because you wish to knuckle under “political correctness” and appease people who probably have no idea who their ancestors really are, you have decided to remove the flags.

I am a veteran of the war in Iraq.  My father was a paratrooper in World War II.  His grandfather served during the Spanish-American War, and three of his great-grandfathers served in the Union Army during the Civil War.  On my mother’s side, all four of my great-great-grandfathers fought for the Confederacy, along with one great-great-great-grandfather, and I had one great-great-great-great-grandfather who served in the Colonial Army during our nation’s war for independence from the British.  As a soldier, I and my ancestors fought for our (yours and mine) right to govern ourselves as we see fit.  However, we must understand that these decisions sometimes come with great consequence.

As the old adage goes, “you can please some of the people some of the time, but you cannot please all of the people all of the time.”  George Santayana said it best when he said, “Those you do not learn from history are condemned to repeat its mistakes.”  History, good or bad, is there for us to learn from.  Rather than take the revisionist’s road of erasing those things people take issue with, they should be embraced and learned from them.  I do not agree with the flying of the Nazi flag, the Rising Sun, or seeing the flags of Islamic nations, but they are reminders of things we need to learn from.  The issue with the Confederate Battle Flag would not have been an issue at all if organizations like the KKK and Aryan Nation had not adopted it.  Prior to their using the Confederate Battle Flag, the KKK predominately flew the US Flag.  It was because the Federal government labeled them subversive that these organizations adopted the Confederate flag.  I personally wished they would not have and let me go on record to say the Sons of Confederate Veterans, which I am a life member of, does not condone the use of the battle flag by these hate groups and does not associate with them.  As a Civil War reenactor, the organization I am a member of also does not tolerate these groups and will invite them to leave if they appear at any event we sponsor or affiliate, and will leave if an event if the host invites these organizations to attend.

I implore you to reconsider your decision.  General Lee was a very honorable and well respected man, both in life by friend and foe alike, as well as in death.  There has not been another general officer in the America who has been able to match General Lee’s record at West Point, his moral character and conviction, or achieve the level of respect and courage he did.  Sadly, if such a man were to ever exist today, he would be labeled an extremist because of his refusal to conform to society’s current way of thinking.  Do not succumb to the pressure of a group of mindless political scalawags whose only desire is to thumb their chests and gain fleeting notoriety.  Stand up for yourselves.  The only person you have to worry about disappointing is our Lord God in heaven.


James W. Lamb

SFC, US Army (retired)

Response –

From: Farrar, James [] Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 10:44 AM
To: ‘James W. lamb’
Cc: Wubah, Daniel; Knapp, Elizabeth; Hanna, Jeff
Subject: RE: General Robert E. Lee


Thank you for your interest in Washington and Lee.

I recommend you read the following and go to the sites highlighted in Pres. Ruscio’s communication for the more complete and factual story.

Of course, feel free to share this with others.

Jim Farrar


July 8, 2014

To: The Washington and Lee Community

From: President Kenneth P. Ruscio

Continuing the Community Conversation

In a message to the Washington and Lee community on April 21, I indicated that I would continue to communicate with you as necessary about issues raised this past spring by some law students and covered extensively in the media. (See my previous messages to the community on this topic on the President’s webpage:

Ever since the students’ letter to me and to members of the Board of Trustees became public, misinformation and erroneous assumptions have combined with emotionally charged reactions to create more heat than light. The often divisive nature of the conversations may have occasionally diverted our attention from these essential questions: How do we sustain a community that is based on mutual respect for everyone? How do we effectively celebrate our varied backgrounds and experiences as well as what we have in common?

As we examine these questions and the broader issues, though, I want to report here on several specific questions. In considering them, I have tried to call upon our principal values at Washington and Lee — our respect for one another, the civility we accord each other even when we disagree, our appeals to reason rather than emotion, our reverence for history along with our courage to examine it critically and learn from it, and our focus on the future even as we draw strength from the past.

These qualities complicate rather than simplify the resolution of these issues. That is the price an institution with a firm set of values and a complex history should willingly pay. These are legitimately complicated matters, and they are often uncomfortable, too; I fervently hope that one of the outcomes of these deliberations is that we become more comfortable dealing with them than we have been before.

1. The question about the regimental battle flags in Lee Chapel requires us to clarify the purpose, meaning and history of the flags, as well as the purpose and meaning of the chapel and the museum below the chapel. In 1930, several original and historic battle flags — “colors” that had been captured or surrendered to the Union army — were placed near the statue of Lee. The University did not own them. They were the property of the Museum of the Confederacy, now part of the American Civil War Museum, which asked us to return them in the 1990’s because the manner of display in the chapel was causing their deterioration. They were replaced with reproductions, which are not historic and are not genuine artifacts.

The purpose of historic flags in a university setting is to educate. They are not to be displayed for decoration, which would diminish their significance, or for glorification, or to make a statement about past conflicts. The reproductions are not genuinely historic; nor are they displayed with any information or background about what they are. The absence of such explanation allows those who either “oppose” or “support” them to assert their own subjective and frequently incorrect interpretations.

Consequently, we will remove these reproductions from their current location and will enter into an agreement with the American Civil War Museum, in Richmond, to receive on loan one or more of the original flags, now restored, for display on a rotating basis in the Lee Chapel Museum, the appropriate location for such a display. In this way, those who wish to view these artifacts may do so, and the stories behind them can be properly told. You may view a history of the flags in the chapel at

2. I will urge the undergraduate faculty to decide this fall whether to cancel classes on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The faculty have authority over the academic calendar.  I trust their judgment and will support their decision. I will recommend, however, that they not cancel classes. The question has never been whether or not we “fully recognize” King Day; the question is how we choose to honor Dr. King. For many years, we have offered both the W&L and Lexington communities an impressive array of presentations, service projects and performances to commemorate Dr. King’s life. I worry that this compelling series of events would give way to an uneventful three-day weekend. Canceling classes may have symbolic significance; I prefer the substance of our current programs over the symbolism of a day off.

3. The University will continue to study its historic involvement with slavery. We acknowledge that this was a regrettable chapter of our history, and we must confront and try to understand this chapter. At Washington and Lee, we learn from the past, and this is an episode from which there is much to learn. In 1826, Washington College came into possession of between 70 and 80 enslaved people from the estate of “Jockey” John Robinson. Until 1852, the institution benefited from their enslaved labor and, in some cases, from their sale. Acknowledging that historical record — and acknowledging the contributions of those individuals — will require coming to terms with a part of our past that we wish had been different but that we cannot ignore. We are committed to telling the University’s history accurately, including the stories of many individuals who should not be overlooked. That process is now underway through a special working group that was initially convened last fall and has begun to develop a timeline of the history of African Americans at the University and to explore other ways in which we can illuminate and recognize this history. See

4. Groups not affiliated with the University may continue to use Lee Chapel for events so long as they do so in accordance with our established policies and guidelines. This includes such non-University events as the annual lecture sponsored by an outside group as part of the statewide Lee-Jackson Day observance in Lexington. (W&L does not observe that state holiday.) As a private university, we are not bound by the same legal and constitutional First Amendment constraints as public institutions. As an educational institution devoted to free and open inquiry, however, we are bound by these values. We can and do impose conditions for Lee Chapel’s use and for the use of all campus facilities. For example, a group may not “march” on our campus or use our campus as a platform for its own displays or statements. If it wishes to use the chapel for a lecture and adheres to our policies, however, it may do so.

5. In five years as president of Washington College (and in three as superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy), Robert E. Lee displayed his estimable skill as an innovative and inspiring educator. I personally take pride in his significant accomplishments here and will not apologize for the crucial role he played in shaping this institution. Affection for and criticism of historical figures living in complicated times are not mutually exclusive positions, however, as the scholar Joseph Ellis concluded after his study of Thomas Jefferson. Ellis found it difficult to “steer an honorable course between evisceration and idolatry” when it came to Jefferson. As I have listened to and read comments about Lee these past few months, I have felt the same way. Lee was an imperfect individual living in imperfect times. Lee deserves, and his record can withstand, an honest appraisal by those who understand the complexities of history. His considerable contributions to this institution are part of that record.

These important conversations will continue, as they should; they will be fruitful only if those on all sides are willing to listen to one another with respect. As challenging as these issues are, I firmly believe there is considerable common ground that we will find if we work together in a spirit of cooperation rather than confrontation. I regret that the conversation seemed to begin with what divides us rather than what unites us. I hope the future is one of continued careful examination and further defining of our common purpose.

This is also an opportunity. I cannot imagine another institution more challenged by the complexity of history while at the same time more capable of illuminating not just our own history but the wider scope of our nation’s. Our own arc of history traces that of our nation, from the founding period through the painful divide of the Civil War and up to the present time. We cannot and should not avoid these issues. Indeed, we ought to lead in addressing them.

I hope that will be the case.

Kenneth P. Ruscio


Washington and Lee University

Washington Hall 203
