Congratulations to the Confederate Men who live the Charge of the

Sons of Confederate Veterans.

A Re-Dedication was held after two of the Crosses were stolen from the Final resting places of two of our Confederate Brave. A big hand should be given to the men of the States Rights Gist Camp SCV and all the men who took part in this Honorable event, after the downpour of rain all night Friday and Saturday the good Lord held off the weather for a beautiful and warm Sunday afternoon. Aprox. 100 people turned out plus a 28 man Honor Guard consisting of numerous SCV Camps across the South and North Carolina Division to Honor these Soldiers. Gentlemen this is what it’s all about working together, the community, the South Carolina Division Camps, North Carolina Division Camps all for the good of the Charge.
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Greenville based News Channel 7 was on hand to cover the event as well, it was the fourth story in the broadcast at eleven and again this AM.
I want to personally say Thank You to Gist Camp Past Commander William “Bill” Berry for spearheading this event and all who participated in the event, I am proud to part of such a group of men. Thank You for allowing me to assist in setting up some of the event and participating.
 Gist commander Mark SandersCmdr Simpson
In their Honor,
Patrick Phillips
Moses Wood Camp #125