Confederate isn’t an just idea from our Ancestors of what was before, Confederate is today.


Some New additions have been added to the South Carolina Division Website.

From this section  Confederate Past and Present


You can now find links to an Archive of past Confederate Veterans spanning from 1893 -1923 and 1932. This page will allow you to view all of the editions in book form and you can download a PDF version for your own. It is interesting to see what our Ancestors had to say in their own words about what the war was for them.

Along with that, some of the flags that the South Carolina Division  has helped conserve can be viewed in a gallery with more to come. Soon, you will be able to see an ongoing list of the flags that are left to preserve and the stories behind their existence.

And finally,

The reason that we spend the hours on preservation, cleaning cemeteries, holding memorial services, and fulfilling the charge that our great ancestors gave to us in 1906. We now have a Wall of Confederate Honor of our Confederate heroes that will give us a forum to honor them, and present them to the world as they were 150 years ago.

A request for all that have images of their Confederate heroes and wish to share them should send the best quality digital file with as much information as is available for the soldier. A link on the Gallery Page will give you a method to send the information and ensure that we archive as many of our Confederate Heroes as we can.

More features to come.

Thank you for your contributions, and support.